What does your ideal college profile look like?
As your high school years go by you will start to paint a better picture of what your ideal college looks like. You may just be set on playing D1 sports and the school or major does not matter to you.
But other student athletes may put academics or major/career first and playing sports second once they narrow down their choices.
Many athletes I have worked with narrow down their schools/acceptances and then start talking to coaches. This works great for D2 & D3 schools as they often give out offers later than D1s.
Many D2 & D3s will allow you to play multiple sports as well. In this case athletes will opt to take some classes during the summer to lighten their loads during the sports seasons.
Initial things to think about:
Size of school which suits you - small, medium, large
Distance from home - Driving distance only or do you mind flying back and forth
Majors offered
School type - Public or Private